ECOMM Incorporated
Helping Companies Make It HappenTM

ECOMM is based in Cumming, Georgia USA located just outside the city of Atlanta, Georgia.


Representatives of our firm have performed performance improvement, management consulting, turnaround service engagements, marketing and sales programs in the United States, Europe and Asia.


At ECOMM we can help you:


-- Increase company sales productivity and revenues

-- Generate profits and shareholder returns

-- Strengthen your relationships with existing customers and partners

-- Research potential companies for acquisition

-- Identify new markets to expand your business in the United States and Globally

-- Create and implement strategies to increase business in a down economy

-- Develop and execute international business plans

-- Start new business units and companies

-- Streamline your operation's processes to increase productivity and reduce operating costs


For more information, please contact .


ECOMM, Incorporated

1803 Summit Overlook Way

Cumming, Georgia USA 30041


Telephone: +1-678-467-3810
